AI Product Photography Generator

Effortlessly create professional-quality product photos with AI. Control backgrounds and lighting without expensive equipment or time-consuming photo shoots.

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Generated Images

AI Product Photography Generator

0/500 characters

Example Prompts

Modern gray fabric sofa with clean lines...
White cotton t-shirt with minimal design...
Stainless steel watch with leather strap...
Handcrafted ceramic coffee mug with glaz...

Select the type of light you want to use

Generate up to 1 images simultaneously

How to Use AI Product Photography Generator

Create professional product photography in just four simple steps.


Upload Your Product Image

Upload a clear, high-quality product photo. Better image quality ensures superior AI background replacement results.


Write Your Background Description

Write a prompt describing your desired background and lighting in the input box. Be as detailed as you want about the scene, colors, mood, and lighting conditions for your product.


Use Enhance (Optional)

If you're unsure about writing detailed prompts, simply enter basic information (e.g., 'a sofa product image with backgrounds for morning, noon, and evening scenes') and click 'Enhance'. Our AI will generate specific prompt suggestions for you to choose from. Click any suggestion to apply it to your input box, then modify if needed.


Generate and Download

Click 'Generate', preview your product with its new background, and download in high resolution for immediate use in your marketing materials.

AI Product Photography Generator with Professional Results

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High-Speed AI Product Photo Generation

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AI Background and Lighting Customization

Feature image

Why Choose Our AI Product Photography Generator

Our advanced AI technology creates beautiful, high-quality product photos in seconds. Perfect for your online store, advertisements, or social media campaigns.

Instant Background Creation

Automatically generate professional-quality backgrounds without any complex editing.

Full Lighting Control

Precisely control lighting effects to enhance the visual appeal of your product.

Save Time and Money

Forget expensive studios and long photo shoots—achieve superior results with minimal effort and cost.

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AI Product Photography Generator FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Our AI Product Photography Generator


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